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It's no secret to anyone that we love a great pantry cleanout. Below we have outlined the steps we take when we come into someone's home for a pantry overhaul. We hope this helps!

1. Take everything out 

  • Remove all items from your pantry shelves. This allows you to start with a clean slate and see exactly what you have.

2. Sort and categorize

  • Group similar items together, such as canned goods, dry goods, spices, snacks, etc. This step helps you visualize how much space each category requires.

3. Check expiration dates 

  • Dispose of any expired or spoiled items. This step ensures that you're only keeping fresh and usable items in your pantry.
  • This is a good thing to get into the habit of doing once every couple of months.

4. Evaluate storage containers 

  • Decide if you need additional storage containers like baskets, bins, jars, or shelf organizers to help maximize space and keep things tidy.
  • This is a great opportunity to start decanting if you have been considering it. Check out our Instagram from more information on the benefits of decanting.

5. Clean and declutter

  • Wipe down shelves and surfaces to remove any dust or spills.
  • Declutter by getting rid of items you don't use or need, freeing up space for essentials.

6. Use vertical space

  • Install shelf risers or organizers to create additional storage space vertically. This is especially useful for smaller pantries with limited shelf space.
  • For example, we love organizing spices on a vertical rack if you don't have the cabinet space.
  • Consider using the back of the pantry door too!

7. Label containers

  • Labeling containers and shelves can help you and your family members easily find and return items to their designated places, maintaining organization over time.

8. Arrange strategically

  • Place frequently used items at eye level or within easy reach.
  • Store less-used items or bulkier items on higher or lower shelves.

9. Maintain regularly

  • Regularly check and reorganize your pantry to ensure it stays organized. 
  • Make it a habit to rotate items and keep track of what needs restocking.
  • Consider a whiteboard or a grocery app to stay on top of the items you are low on. 

By following these steps, you can transform your pantry into a well-organized space that makes meal preparation and cooking more efficient.